Just a brief note on the "Red Baron" German Alt. I found one exploded bottle in the basement this weekend -- totally shattered. It must have blown at least a few days ago since all the beer had already evaporated. I had to throw the (by now) moldy box away and wipe down all the bottles. With the hot weather over the past few weeks, the temperature downstairs has risen to 75-80 °F instead of the more typical 60-70 °F during the summer.
On a positive note, I pulled a few of the 16 oz EZ cap bottles and 22 oz bombers to share at our family campout. I hadn't tried any of the larger bottles, and none that have continued to condition in the basement for some time at the higher temps. The taste was MUCH improved. The Alt has taken on a more mellowed smoothness. Even the carbonation seems better. Several of the 12 oz bottles have been over-carbonated up till now. The beer was also several at just cooler than room temperature as well. Chilled in a cooler for a few hours.
I am dying to get cracking on another batch, but it's still too hot here. I simply can't justify having the stove on for an hour or two, to say nothing of the havoc the yeast would go through at the higher room temps.
I hate not having AC.