#49 - 6.25 gal
Without a doubt my best beer to date. Tasting notes to follow, but suffice it to say I nailed this American-style stout. This brew also had the honor of being my first on the new draft system. More on that later too.
I made a last minute decision to switch out the London ale yeast and instead use the American ale. A hugely good call, since the 2 gallons or so of London ale tasted awful. I mean really bad. I believe the yeast was stressed from the batch prior, an imperial stout. But it's an important lesson: Don't reuse a yeast from any big beer. Not worth the risk.
I fermented this at room temperature, roughly 64F.
7 lb Maris Otter (Muntons)
5 lb 2-row (Briess)
12 oz Flaked barley (Briess)
8 oz Caramel 60L (Briess)
9 oz Debittered black malt (Dingemans)
3 oz Acidulated malt (Meussdoerffer)
10 oz Roasted barley (Briess) (cold steep)
6 oz Chocolate malt (Briess) (cold steep)
3 oz Black malt (Briess) (cold steep)
1.25 oz Cascade (6% homegrown leaf) (60)
0.5 oz Columbus (13.4% p) (60)
1.5 t Irish moss (15)
Yeast nutrient (10)
1 pk + slurry American Ale 1056
1.5 L London ale 1028
10 gal (50/50 filtered tap and RO)
7 g Gypsum
3 g Calcium chloride
1 g Epsom
Mash in 6 gal @ 161F
Sac rest @ 151F (60)
Batch sparge 4 gal
Boil (60)
Chill to 66F
OG 1.063
FG 1.016
ABV 6.2%
IBU 42
Efficiency 75%
Heated mash to 165F, stirring continuously for an abbreviated mash out.
Cold steep 2 qt @ 1.056
1st running 4 gal @ 1.071
2nd running 3 gal @ 1.036
Preboil 7 gal @ 1.054
OG 1.068