Brew date: Dec. 21, 2016
#56 - 6.25 gal
Don't use more than 1 oz of peated malt next time... Now that I have your attention, let me explain.
This started out as a beer for a co-worker, Elizabeth. She won my company's raffle for a beer I donated, and asked for a malty Scotch ale. Perfect!, I thought. I had been wanting to brew one for quite a while, and was recently inspired by Great Divide Brewing's Claymore Scotch Ale.
The grain bill was a bit too traditional, I should have gone more American-ized. Including adding some caramel malt 60-80L and goning warmer on the mash temp -- maybe 157 F.
In addition, I opted to add a little smoked malt for depth of flavor. Turns out 3 oz in roughly 20 lbs of grain was too much for my taste. While I had a lot of compliments on the beer, I thought it was just too smokey.
15.75 lb Maris Otter - Muntons
1 lb Melanoidin malt - Best Malz
8 oz Cara 45 - Dingemans
6 oz Cara 20 Belgian Caravienne - Dingemans
4 oz Chocolate malt - Briess
3 oz Roasted Barley - Briess
3 oz Peated malt - Thomas Fawcett
4 oz Acidulated malt - Meussdoerffer
1.25 oz Cascade (6%) (KB leaf) (60)
1 t Irish moss (15)
Yeast nutrient
1.7 L Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale Starter
10 gal - 50/50 RO & filtered
3 g Gypsum
4 g Calcium Chloride
1 g Epsom
Mash in 6 gal @ 168F
Sac rest @ 155F (60)
Heat to mash out
B. Sparge 4 gal
Boil (60)
Chill to 57F
Ferment at 57F
OG: 1.080
FG: 1.024
SRM: 19
IBU: 23
ABV: 7.4%
Efficiency: 77%
Attenuation: 70%
1st run: 3.5 gal @ 1.097
Preboil: 7.5 gal @ 1.073
OG: 1.085
Add ~1/2 gal filtered water to reduce to 1.080 and 6 gal
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