Brew date: Feb. 19, 2017
Batch size: 6.25 gal
7 lb Maris otter (Muntons)
5 lb 2-row (Briess)
12 oz Flaked barley (Briess)
8 oz Caramel 60L (Briess)
3 oz Acidulated (Meussdoerffer)
Cold steeped in 2 qts filtered water day before brewing:
10 oz Roasted barley (Briess)
9 oz Debittered black malt (Dingemans)
7 oz Chocolate malt (Briess)
3 oz Black malt (Briess)
2.35 oz Cascade (6%) (KB) (60)
1.5 t Irish moss (15)
Yeast nutrient (10)
1.7 L Wyeast 1056 American ale starter
10 gal - 50% RO, 50% filtered
7 g Gypsum
3 g Calcium chloride
1 g Epsom salt
OG 1.063
FG 1.016
ABV 6.24%
IBU 42
SRM 75%
Efficiency 75%
Separate cold-steeped wort from grains and add grain to mash.
1st run - 4 gal @ 1.069
Preboil - 1.058 (Only added ~3 gal of sparge water to grain)
OG 1071, ~5.75 gal
Add 1 qt filtered water to top off to 6 gal
Ferment @ 66F
Added cold steeped wort at 10 min before knockout
3/9/17 - Keg and bottle, FG 1.018/1.020
Bottling: 0.7 oz corn sugar + 6 oz filtered water to bottle 1 gal.
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