Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Schaby Rhubarb Saison

Brew date: May 14, 2016
#50 - 6.5 gal

A fun, but cool (weather-wise) brew day with my good friend Schappe. He brought over a few pounds of home-grown rhubarb that we decided to add in secondary.

I split the finished beer into two 3-gallon batches, one as a control and one with the rhubarb.

9.5 lb Pilsner malt (Dingemans)
4 lb 2-row (Briess)
14 oz White wheat malt (Briess)
8 oz Vienna malt (Avangard)
3 oz Caravienne (Dingemans)
*4 oz Acidulated malt (Meussdoerffer)

0.75 oz Styrian Goldings (3.7% YCH pellet) (60)
0.75 oz Crystal (4.8 % YCH pellet) (60)
0.5 oz East Kent Goldings (5.7% YCH pellet) (60)
1.5 t Irish moss (15)
0.5 t Nutrient (10)
**0.5 oz Styrian Goldings (5)
**0.25 oz Crystal (5)

1.5 L Door County Brewing Saison yeast from slurry

2 lb Rhubarb added to 3 gal split batch

*Forgot to add to the mash. Decided to make a mini-mash with 4 cups filtered water, mashed at 151F for 15 min, strained, then boiled for 20 min. Added to roughly 1.5 gal leftover wort. Pitched with Gigayeast 007 Belgian mix slurry.

**Spilled crystal hops at 5 minute addition. Only 0.18 oz remaining. Decided to make up the difference with styrian goldings. Also, forgot to start the pump to whirlpool until end of boil. Decided to add approx. 7-10 min to boil to whirlpool. Account for additional IBUs. Likely around 31 total IBUs.

5 gal RO, 5.5 gal filtered tap
10 g Gypsum
2 g Calcium chloride

Mash in 6.5 gal @ 129F
Protein rest @ 122F (20)
Sac rest @ 148F (60)
Heat to 166-168 (10)
Boil (60)
Chill to 66F

OG: 1.062
FG: 1.015
ABV: 6.1%
IBU: 28
SRM: 4.78
Efficiency: 75%

1st running: 4.5 gal @ 1.072
Pre-boil: 8 gal @ 1.054
OG: 7 gal @ 1.061

5/23 - Add 1 lb frozen rhubarb to 3 cups filtered water. Heat to simmer, ~180F, then cool and add to ~3.25 gal beer. FG: 1.010

5/28 - Add 1 lb frozen rhubarb to 1 cup filtered water. Heat to simmer, ~180F. Poor off most water. Cool and add to carboy. Only able to add 2/3 of rhubarb to carboy (ran out of room).

6/5 - Keg rhubarb saison. FG: 1.005

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