Brew date: Nov. 7, 2016
#54 - 6.25 gal
Pilsner Urquell has long been my favorite pilsner, and I have long wanted to brew one. It serves as the inspiration for my first crack at a Czech pilsner.
The perfect beer to tap for a little holiday cheer.
Appearance: Slightly hazy straw gold color. Nice foamy white head that sticks around.
Aroma: Spicy hop aroma, some leafy hop cone character, very slightly floral.
Taste: Spicy hop flavor, grainy-ness, finishes dry. Really nice even bitterness, not too much or little. Has some of that leafy hop flavor.
Final Thoughts: Perhaps a little over-hoppy, but a really good first effort at a Pilsner.
Next Time: Reduce water salts. Reduce IBUs.
12,75 lb Pilsner - Avangard
12 oz Carapils - Briess
6 oz Light munich - Avangard
4 oz Acidulated - Meussdoerffer
0.5 oz Saaz (0.2%) (FWH)
1 oz Magnum (12.4%) (60)
1 t Irish moss (15)
1.5 oz Saaz (10)
1.8 L Wyeast 2001 Urquell Lager
10 gal - 75% RO & 25% filtered
2 g Gypsum
2 g Calcium Chloride
Mash in 6 gal @ 128F
Protein rest @ 122F (20)
Sac rest @ 145F (40)
Sac rest @ 155F (20)
B. sparge 4 gal
Boil (60)
Chill to 50F
OG: 1.059
FG: 1.015
ABV: 5.77%
IBU: 46
1st run: 3.5 gal @ 1.075
OG: 1.066
48F for two weeks
50F for one week
Diacetly rest to 65F for 48 hours
Lager @ 34
- Overshot mash temperature, heated to 136F. Mashed in and stirred continuously to cool to protein rest.
- Didn't use insulation.
- Rack to keg on 12/4/16, FG: 1.014
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